D2L Fusion 2023

I recently had the opportunity to attend D2L Fusion 2023 at Marriott Anaheim and had an amazing time. It is a all-in-one learning conference, centered around the users and experts of a learning management system called Brightspace. This year’s conference theme was “my learning moment” emphasizing the learning opportunities all around us. This is my first time attending D2L Fusion and I really enjoyed it. It took place in Anaheim, CA and there were so many sessions to choose from.

D2L’s mission is to deliver innovative solutions that transform the way the world learns. They believe in a better world where learning can be accessible, engaging, and inspiring.

This is a great mission statement that aligns with my values as a lifelong learner. The more we grow and learn together, the more the world becomes a better place to live in. I am inspired to teach others what I know and to learn from them too. D2L creates software that connects faculty with students and makes learning from anywhere possible.

One of my biggest takeaways was from a sessions I attended called “Reducing Cognitive Load to Ensure LifeLong Learning” by Sheila Unwin.

Session Discussion: We are all aware that what can be quite simple for one person can be overwhelming to another. How to help students who are overwhelmed during a lesson is something that educators must address every day. This session will show instructors how to recognize and then minimize cognitive overload as well as how to construct new and effective learning models.

Although this session was geared towards how we can help our students reduce the cognitive load of their courses, I saw it from the perspective of software development. How can we reduce the cognitive load of our staff and tech team? Can routine tasks be automated? Can user interfaces of our software be more clear or reduce the number of steps needed to capture data? I had lots of ideas for process improvement floating around in my mind during the session.

Another session I really loved being a part of was “Discussion Forum: Women in Leadership Affinity Network

Session: Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking discussion that aims to shed light on the evolving role of women in educational leadership and explore the challenges, opportunities, and strategies for success. This forum provides a platform to delve into various hot topics and address critical issues faced by women in leadership positions in education and corporate training organizations.

This panel was full of incredible and amazing women who each took a very different path to their leadership roles. I loved each of their stories and found it inspiring to hear how they overcome their struggles, their lessons learned along the way, and what accomplishments they made to achieve their goals.

D2L Fusion was an incredible experience and I am grateful for chance to learn more about the software and how it is used in various places around the world.

It was also a great opportunity to bond with my team members as we brainstorm ideas on how to improve our services for students, staff, and faculty.

D2L Fusion 2024 will be taking place in their hometown of Toronto, Canada on July 8–10, 2024. Pre-register for more details!

Bluey made it into John Baker’s, D2L’s CEO, keynote at the D2L Fusion 2023 conference.

Daynah @ D2L Fusion - Learning Moments

#lifelonglearner #continuouslearning

Lifelong learning is the “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons.

Continuous learning is a workplace culture that encourages employees to prioritize ongoing learning and improvement.

Intense game of Jenga

This was a very intense game of Jenga with my team.

Talked to some D2L partners like Honorlock about their integration with D2L.

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