Dana Nguyen :: 09/23/2004
Flash Websites
Assignment 1: Find 3 flash websites and say what you like and dislike about it.
1) H-Y-P-H-E-N-S.net
Site Name: H-Y-P-H-E-N-S.net
Type: Personal
- Dynamic Date / Time
- Music (on and off)
- Guestbook / Script Embedding
- Layers
- Drag and Drop Images (User Interaction)
- Incorporation of original artwork
- Scene Transition
- Page Loading Bar
- Subtle Animation
- Choice of colors
Dislikes: none
2) ExpressFashion.com
Site Name: ExpressFashion.com
Type: Commercial
- Fast-loading Animation
- Images change upon user action
- Styled Loading Bar
- Ability to zoom into images
- Consistent Navigation
- Colors used on site
- Mix and Match Objects
Dislikes: none
3) Phong.com
Site Name: Phong.com
Type: Tutorial
- Requires a lot of User Interaction
- Fast Animation
- Animation follows Mouse movement
- Demonstrates how amazing Flash is
- Complex
- Navigation is not clear
- Splash page is not consitent with site layout
- Animation takes up too much of the screen